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Ultra-High-Pressure Hydrogen Valve: Marine-Type Approval

Written by Eldad Ohayon | Nov 17, 2024 7:56:50 AM

Leading the way towards an emissions-free world!

Habonim is the first to obtain marine-type approval for a Ultra-High-pressure Hydrogen Valve


Habonim is leading the way as the first company to certify an Ultra-High-Pressure Hydrogen valve for marine use.

The valves tested under this inspection are intended to be used in H2 Multi Element Gas Cylinders (MEGC), storage container systems that are essential part of H2-powered vessels.

Offshore vessels must be certified by recognized organizations that approve their design, construction, and key components onboard the vessel.

Marine Type Approval is the accepted method of ensuring a ship or vessel's compliance under a notified body witnessing. Manufacturers of components and systems intended to be commissioned on a vessel must certify their products according to "Type Approval" practice.

There are several notified bodies around the world, each specializing in the binding standards and directives applicable to territory and industry.


The First Hydrogen valve to be tested and certified for Marine Use

Habonim's H29 valve series was selected for the H2 storage system on Hydrogen-powered ships that provide river transport in France. Bureau Veritas type-approved the valves according to ISO 23826 for pressures of up to 700 bar (10,000 psi).

The tests performed on the valve include the following:

  • Valve shell hydraulic pressure test
  • Seat leakage pressure test - inline up-stream to down-stream
  • Seat leakage pressure test - inline down-stream to up-stream
  • Endurance test - cycling the valve On and Off under pressure 

All tests were conducted in the presence of a BV inspector, and 2000 cycles were tested over two days.

Habonim is the first to issue this certificate, the first type approval issued to assess the conformity of valves following NR 678 for Hydrogen-fueled ships, published in November 2023. 

NR 678 standards provide requirements for arranging, installing, controlling, and monitoring machinery, equipment, and systems using hydrogen as fuel.

As Hydrogen evolves to be one of the main energy carriers of the near and distant future, there is a growing legal and regulatory need for transporting and storing Hydrogen safely.

ISO 23826:2021 is a guideline for valve design, type testing, marking, manufacturing tests, and examination requirements for ball valves used for Hydrogen transportation.

Developers, designers, and operators of Hydrogen gas transportation and storage systems should be familiar with the ISO 23826:2021 standard, one of the key considerations when selecting valves for these novel systems.

Habonim’s H29 hydrogen valve, tested for ISO 23826:2021-certified valves, is a perfect match for Hydrogen storage and transportation systems, ensuring safe use and performance over time.

Picture description: Seat leakage pressure test - inline up-stream to down-stream and inline down-stream to up-stream

Habonim products are certified and approved under various Type Approvals based on customer requirements, including ABS, Bureau Veritas (BV), DNV-GL, Korean Register, Lloyd's Register, RINA, and ClassNK.

Picture description: Endurance test - cycling the valve On and Off under pressure 

Habonim, leveraging our extensive experience and presence in the marine sector and hydrogen applications, has developed an Ultra-High-Pressure Hydrogen Ball Valve designed for durability and safety in high-cycle Hydrogen fueling, storage, and manufacturing systems. We have implemented rigorous testing measures to ensure this valve is fully operational and capable of withstanding all necessary conditions.

Picture description: Type Approval Certificate

Details of Hydrogen Service High-Pressure H29 Valve:

Size Range

1⁄4”-1 1⁄2” (DN8-DN40)

Pressure Range

1034 bar, 15,000 psi

Working temperature -40°C up to +85°C (-40°F up to +185°F).


  • Threaded body
  • Automation-ready with standard ISO 5211 connecting plate
  • Total HermetiX Integrity package with:

ISO 15848-1 and API 641 emission standard certificated design

ISO 10497 and API607 fire-safe standard certificated design

Picture description: H29 Ball Valve and an Automated Ball Valve

For more information about Bureau Veritas type-approval 


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